Why astrology and palmistry?
May facilitate self-reflection and personal insight
For those seeking guidance and direction
To assist in creating more understanding and tolerance in relationships
For coping with uncertainty
To promote social connection
What is Jyotiṣa?
The Vedas are highly revered ancient texts considered to contain timeless wisdom and knowledge. Jyotiṣa, known as the Eyes of the Veda, enables us to perceive what is unseen. By watching the movements and positions of celestial bodies, Jyotiṣa, provides insight into the cosmic order and its impact on human lives. Jyotiṣa illuminates the mysteries of the cosmos, helping to guide individuals in their spiritual and practical lives.
Who I Am
Hi, my name is Renée Marzano and my journey into the study of the astrology and palmistry began as I transitioned from a prosperous career as a Healthcare Consultant to follow my passion for āyurveda and yoga. I had spent most of my life being what I thought I “should” be based on the perceived expectations of others. Seeking a deeper understanding of myself and a more balanced approach to life, I moved across the country to further pursue learning the Vedic sciences and to live under the clear sky and open spaces of New Mexico. This environment enriched my practices and provided ideal conditions for looking up.
I have the good fortune to study with amazing teachers including astrology and palmistry with Penny Farrow and Claudia Anfuso, yoga with Jim Bennitt and James Tennant, and āyurveda with Dr. Amruta Athale and Dr. Vasant Lad.
I believe in the transformative power of embracing one's passions and dedicating oneself to practices that reflect a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of all aspects of life and a commitment to personal growth and healing.